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The Metamedicine Path

Who are the Metamedicine operators?

Metamedicina operators are people who first of all worked on themselves , they first freed their blocks and limiting beliefs and then learned under the guidance of Claudia Rainville, Yvan Herin and the other trainers to help others.

All seminars can be attended both for personal growth and to undertake the training course to become authorized consultants.

Later, after the necessary period of experience, it is possible to continue to learn how to lead groups.

Consultant training

How do you become a Metamedicine Consultant?

To become a Metamedicine Consultant it is essential to first have attended the "Liberation of emotional memory" seminar as a first step.

During this seminar our profound journey of personal growth begins, which characterizes the training of Metamedicina consultants.

Attending other thematic seminars (not mandatory but highly recommended) allows you to work on different aspects of yourself and is considered an added value to the path.

  • Release of Emotional Memory: (LME - 20 hours)
  • Goal 1 : Discover yourself (45 hours – Prerequisite: LME)
  • Meta 2 : Awaken oneself (45 hours – Prerequisite: LME and preferably Meta 1)
  • Meta 3 : Body language (45 hours - video course )
  • Meta 4 : Becoming a Consultant (45 hours – Prerequisite Meta 2)
  • LMA - Liberation of the Memory of the Soul (20 hours – Prerequisite Meta 2)
  • Animator Assistants (20 hours – Prerequisite Meta 2)

All the descriptive sheets of the seminars in detail here: SEMINAR DESCRIPTION

It is recommended to repeat the Meta 2 and Meta 4 seminars at least once, depending on our evolution, different lessons are integrated.

In Metamedicina there is no predefined time to complete the training course . Each participant will be able to attend the seminars at their own pace and according to their own needs. This is first and foremost a journey of personal growth, therefore it is important to allow yourself a period of integration between one course and another.

After attending the seminars indicated, you can request to be put on the list to take the assessment to become a Consultant .
It will therefore be the trainer who establishes whether the person masters the keys of Metamedicine enough to receive the Consultant certificate or the qualification of Resource Person in Helping Relationships.

Animator training

How do you become a Metamedicine Animator?

After a period of practice of individual consultations, the Consultant can undertake training to become an Animator and then lead group seminars.


  • Be a Metamedicine consultant with a practice of at least two years .
  • Having participated twice in the training seminar for assistants and animators.
  • Having been assistants to other Animators at multiple seminars on the Liberation of Emotional Memory.

The person responsible for Animator training is Yvan Hérin and the assessment of new animators takes place during an Assistants and Animators seminar in which the aspiring animator will have the opportunity to co-lead the seminar.

A new model of society

Metamedicine is also a large family animated by the ideology "together for the whole and for the best of each" .
It is not organized in a hierarchical structure but can be compared to that of a beehive in which each individual has his own task, which he carries out with passion, so that everything works. Everyone can find their place, express their talents in a spirit of collaboration and mutual support.

Being part of such a system requires maturity and group consciousness.
If you want to participate in the development of a new model of society, welcome to Metamedicine!

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