Carmen Calabrese
Person in helping relationship
Emilia Romagna , Lombardy
Milan, Bologna
I was born in Milan, and already at a very young age the Latina maxim that says "healthy body, healthy mind" fascinated me, it was the beginning of the eighties, and back then this maxim was not so fashionable, but it was already something that was part of me, and I decide to work in the field of wellness, I delve into traditional and oriental massage techniques, shiatzu, Ayurvedic treatments, foot reflexology, crystal therapy, where all these techniques take into account the reaction between body-mind-spirit.All this leads me to always take into account my client's personal history and experience taught me that there was a relationship between past and present and how much this past could impact the unresolved issues of the present.I also realized how much children could absorb the emotional states of their parents and that the emotional climate they experienced at home affected the child's state of health and future and little by little in my work I intuitively learned these notions, applied techniques of relaxation that led to the emergence of thepast and then combine it with the unresolved present.One day I described this method to a friend and she told me that this method of mine had affinities with metamedicine that I didn't know at all at the time.Inside me, just hearing the name "metamedicine" was like a ringing of bells.Something special was happening, intrigued as soon as I could I went on the internet to find out more, and very shortly after without asking myself too much why I started themetamedicine path. It was early 219.Metamedicine answers many of my questions by expanding and completing my work, it improves my life by making it lighter, where the events that happen are to be read, not only as events in themselves but as masters who have something to tell us or give teach us.I am very happy to have learned these keys to understanding which I apply for myself and in my work always as a helping relationship, dividing myself between Bologna and Milan.
30 Via Camillo Benso Cavour
Corsico, Lombardy
Italy 20094
Corsico, Lombardy
Italy 20094
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