Meet your inner child
- de: terça-feira, 21 de janeiro de 2025 - 20h
- às: terça-feira, 21 de janeiro de 2025 - 21h
hospedado por:
You are always in a hurry, it seems you do not have enough time, you are overshadowed by your family, work, friends...
But who decides what the priorities are?
Is it possible that within each of us there is an adult part that tends to neglect our childlike part that would like to have fun, relax, have more time for ourselves? During this event we will learn to contact our inner child, we will listen to him/her, we will dedicate time and attention to him/her.
Finding a balance between these two parts is a fundamental step towards well-being.
Will you join us?
Tuesday 21st of January 7pm LONDON / 8pm ROME / 2pm NEW YORK
ATENÇÃO: O mapa pode não mostrar o endereço exato do centro onde acontecerá o encontro, mas pode ser apenas indicativo da cidade . Para saber a localização exata entre em contato com o organizador.
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